Monday, September 26, 2011

Inspired feedback...

God Is Enthralled By Your Beauty is FINALLY printed! This powerful tool in this little book is allowing women to be healed and restored as they begin to realize their beauty is available for only $9.95! Please know that 10% of each book sell goes to which is an organization that effectively takes down the child traffickers, bringing them to justice!

I also wanted to share the following feedback that I received in my inbox provoking in me the reminder, "this is what it is truly about". Please read the following, I know many of you will be blessed, just as I was:

I started reading your book, God is Enthralled by Your Beauty, and it inspired me to write this.
-Kristen Eggers

Dare to Stare
Some ask Mirror on the wall,
“Who’s the fairest one of all?”
Some trust all that's seen with eyes.
They’ll believe any disguise.

But listen close, don’t dismiss,
Or, I fear, the point you’ll miss.
Look intently and you’ll see,
That which you were meant to be.

Gaze deeply; don’t turn away.
Seek the truth; it won’t betray.
Close those eyes, let go, unwind.
The true you, you’re sure to find.

Inspiring others by God's Holy Spirit is the exceedingly, abundantly, above all we could ever hope, ask or imagine, ACCORDING TO THE POWER THAT IS WITHIN GOD be ALL THE GLORY (Ephesians 3:20-21)!

To read God Is Enthralled By Your Beauty, simpy click on the individual links (Each chapter is linked to an individual post):